ICS Curriculum for Middle Schoolers

I am currently developing curriculum for middle schoolers at Kalakaua middle school for ICS 390. We’re focusing on basics of Computer Science and are using Python as the main language. As the semester has only just begun, I can’t disclose much information yet, however I will update this project as the semester progresses.

The Plan

We currently plan to rotate between the three students of the course as the lead of a particular week. The curriculum is being developed on a week-by-week basis as we figure out the desired order of lessons and what each lesson needs to contain. The first couple weeks are just setup, installing the necessary OS and programs as well as introducing ourselves and getting to know the class. Thereafter, we currently plan to have a lesson on only logic then follow that up with beginning programming basics, print, I/O, if/else, loops, some basic data structures and algorithms, etc.