In programming, the semicolon is the end of a line of code. As the say, every end is a beginning. As we arrive at this beginning, I’d like to reminisce about some of the things we’ve learned along the way.
Javascript, HTML, CSS, Sematic-UI, Semantic-UI React, Meteor, and Mongo. Through these mediums did we program WODs, Projects, and more.
Project management and team work were essential this semester. The Issue Driven Project Management (IDPM) style was implemented for each team. In my team’s case, it started out great, but as the milestones progressed, and team members fell behind on their work, a number of problems arose. Perhaps it was the nature of the issues we laid out for ourselves, but it was difficult to progress when a team member was lagging behind. As each issue and system relied on each other to work properly. In the future, perhaps better allocation of workload as well as focus of work would be beneficial. If we all did small parts of each step together as opposed to each person building on the last person’s work, I think we would have been better off.
I value the team experience I got in this class. I think working in a team will be a lot easier for me in the future because of it. But learning to implement the languages we did as well as learning to combine them was, in my humble opinion, the most beneficial. Seeing not only the power of Javascript (a language I had written off) as well as the interaction between HTML, CSS, Sematic-UI and React was a sight to behold. Not to mention the ease of working with Meteor (once I read some documentation). Should I work with these in the future I think I will be well prepared.